1 Reset Recovery Package contains two tins with a total of 120 Capsules – enough for TWO months!
1 x Tin Reset Recovery 60 capsules
1 x Tin Reset Activator 60 capsules
Reset recovery is a two component system developed from the proven recipe of Reset After Drink. One dose of Reset Recovery contains one blue capsule and one white capsule. Take one dose of Reset Recovery with a glass of water every day before going to sleep.
If you have been drinking alcohol you can, depending on your own experience, take a double (2+2), a triple (3+3), a quadruple (4+4) or even a quintuple (5+5) dose of Reset Recovery to be fresh and sharp the next morning. To prevent dehydration, add a few glasses of water.
The capsules in the Reset Recovery can:
Asparagine, Choline and Gelatine
The capsules in the Reset Activator can:
Gluthatione, Cysteine, Vitamin C, Thiamine B1, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B10